Last Modified on: 2 years 4 days ago.
A famous body treatment that helps you in giving you a beautiful skin is body polishing.
Combining a body polish and body massage in a session is extremely helpful for your skin and body.
You can visit our parlour for body polish and massage in Ghatkopar. While body massage is beneficial for the muscles body polishing is beneficial for the skin.
When you have a session of this combination the results seen are amazing. There is an overall change in your body physically, internally and you also look great with the glow that comes in with it.
Female to Male Massage in Ghatkopar - Body Wraps There are different types of exfoliates that can be used in body polishing. Popular ones are salt, sugar, brown sugar, rice bran, sea salt scrub, Dead Sea salt scrub etc
. All of them are exfoliating products and help to remove the dead skin of the body. You must be thinking why apricots or walnut shells are not used for exfoliation. There are products available in the market that have them and they make good exfoliators too but they don’t set in the spa.
They are a bit on the rougher side. After the exfoliation the therapist applies relaxing oils such as citrus, lavender, or even honey to soothe the skin. Body polishing always takes place in a wet room that has a shower accessible so you don’t have to go anywhere to shower after the exfoliation.
For body polishing and other types of massage in Ghatkopar, visit our parlour.
Benefits of massage on the Nervous System Brings about invigorating effects to the entire nervous system due to improved circulation and nutrition Can relax or stimulate nerves, depending on the type of treatment; Has a biofeedback effect from the body to the mind.
gives the mind more information as to where tension is being held in the body; Has a normalizing effect on the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the Automatic Nervous System (ANS), which is the portion that functions without conscious effort, thereby reducing the false stress reflex.
Releases spasms of tissue surrounding the spinal cord which can take the strain off nerves; Possibly effects coordination centers through massage of the head and face; Can be effective in pain control by effecting the release of secretions, such as endorphins.
Benefits of massage on the Circulatory System Stimulates circulation in tissues involved and promotes substance exchange between the cells; Aids in reducing the venous fluid back toward the heart; Dilates blood vessels which can decrease blood pressure; Causes contractions of the heart to be more forceful and complete; Stimulates blood through the heart faster, thereby getting blood and nutrients to the cells faster; Has a normalizing effect on the ANS, which is beneficial to the heart; Improves general circulation, as blood passes more rapidly through tissue being massaged.
Contact Us 9920546161 for best massage therapy.
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Aromatherapy massages, Thai massages, Swedish massages, Deep Tissue massages, Hot Stone massages, Ayurvedic massages, Reflexology massages and others are popular body massages. We suggest you call this Body Massage in Ghatkopar Mumbai | Beautiful and Trained Therapists ad phone number during their working hours to inquire more about these services.
Our recommendation is to get a massage at Mumbai Mumbai every three to four weeks to maintain your health and keep your body in good condition. By doing so, you will be able to avoid injuries, pain, and tension build-up in the fibers of the muscles, as well as address any other issues before they become serious.
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You are reaching this page to find Massage Spa in Mumbai at Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra location. Generally, Body Spa therapy charges start at Rs. 1200/- to Rs. 4,000/- for 30,60 to 90 min duration.