Last Modified on: 2 years 11 hours ago.
If you are looking for a good Massage in Juhu then our parlour offers the best therapists.
Body massage alone irrespective of the type or technique has the ability to alleviate all types of body pain and mental stress.
Massage has been in use for centuries and the people in ancient times used it to recover from different body conditions such as headaches, sprains, muscle pains etc.
Swedish Massage therapy is widely practised in the spa’s across the world for its therapeutic benefits.
There movements used in massaging the body while getting a Swedish massage is much different than what is used in the Asian therapies. Some of the traditional moves that is used in a Swedish massage are – friction, effleurage, tapotement, petrissage, Swedish gymnastic movements and vibration or nerve strokes.
All these movements warm the body and release the knots or adhesions on the muscles. These adhesions cause pain and other physical problems to your body.
Our parlour for massage in Juhu offers all types of massages including Swedish massage at the hands of a trained therapist.
There are tremendous benefits to be achieved through regular massage therapy treatments It counteracts all that sitting you do It eases muscle pain It soothes anxiety and depression It improves sleep It boosts immunity It relieves headaches.
Call Neelu at 8652143141 and book massage service.
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Aromatherapy massages, Thai massages, Swedish massages, Deep Tissue massages, Hot Stone massages, Ayurvedic massages, Reflexology massages and others are popular body massages. We suggest you call this Professional Body Massage in Juhu | Luxurious massage at affordable price ad phone number during their working hours to inquire more about these services.
Our recommendation is to get a massage at Juhu, Mumbai Mumbai every three to four weeks to maintain your health and keep your body in good condition. By doing so, you will be able to avoid injuries, pain, and tension build-up in the fibers of the muscles, as well as address any other issues before they become serious.
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Juhu, Mumbai
You are reaching this page to find Massage Spa in Juhu Mumbai at Juhu, Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra location. Generally, Body Spa therapy charges start at Rs. 1200/- to Rs. 4,000/- for 30,60 to 90 min duration.